“Opening Remarks Commemorating the 7th Anniversary of the Center for “Race,” Culture and Social Justice” By Jonathan Lightfoot

Aloha! My name is Dr. Jonathan Lightfoot, and I am the Founding Director of the Center for “Race,” Culture and Social Justice. I begin by giving respect to and acknowledging the 13 Algonquin tribes of Long Island whose land we occupy. Today we celebrate our 7th anniversary of service to Hofstra University and the larger Hofstra community. Numerologically, the number 7 represents knowledge, intellectual curiosity, and a search for the truth. It is an opportunity to reflect on the impact we have had on Hofstra. Attorney Gloria Browne Marshall gave us our initial charge when we launched on March 8, 2017. She encouraged us to consider our shared history as part of a blueprint to follow as we looked forward with hope for fulfilling our mission in the future. Thanks to our current associate director, Dr. Veronica Lippencott, our current six (6) student fellows, President Susan Poser, Provost Charlie Riordan, Vice Provost Comila Shahani-Denning, past associate directors, Benita Sampedro and S...