Suicide and Mental Health Issues in Men - By Miguel Giral

For decades, there have been stereotypes and stigmas when it comes to one's mental health and the differences in how it affects men and women. How one goes about getting help has typically been very different across genders, but men of varying ages and backgrounds are a lot less likely to seek help when it comes to all sorts of issues they may be facing. Whether it is stress at work, relationship struggles, or undiagnosed clinical mental issues, studies have shown that men will seek drugs, alcohol, or other vices to suppress their emotions and avoid being vulnerable. [ Men and mental health ] The lack of help that men receive has directly translated into men committing suicide at rates significantly higher than women. In Europe, men are roughly 20 times more likely to commit suicide than their female counterparts, and in the US, men are almost 4 times more likely to die by suicide. So despite being 49% of the population, men in the US are responsible for 80% of suicid...