Capital H, by Ían Guzmán, Center’s fellow during Spring 2018

There’s this place by my apartment A “multi purpose center . ” A pretty old school kind of place, not that Fedex doesn’t still provide the services this place advertises . All i’m saying is the words “WEB CAFÉ” are painted in big bold red letters right on the window . And through it, you can see three computers . Flat screens, so not extremely ancient . Once, they were the objects that made the place into a ‘web café . ’ Now, even through the window you see –how funny time is— all they’re doing now is making the place into a storage room . I can’t honestly say I had any business going in there . There is just a certain acquiescence to the place . The space around it felt like a boulder in a really short and narrow stream, the waves that take off a block away at the tracks of the ...