
Showing posts from May, 2018

We are the Oasis in the Middle of the Desert by Genesis Rivera

In my capacity as a fellow for the Center for “Race”, Culture and Social Justice, I am obligated to attend meetings, conduct research, and promote events that explore the impact of diversity on campus and in the greater community. Often, however, we can lose sight of the bigger picture: students and professors alike are capable of losing sight of why diversity and inclusion advocacy is important and necessary. Therefore, I often take it upon myself to engage with our local community and stay grounded in my convictions.   Every Sunday, dozens of people who struggle to feed their families with the meager selection of food they can find locally lined up to receive rotting fruits and vegetables, day old bread, and dairy products on the verge of expiration. They desperately grab for the nutrients they need, no matter the condition of the food, they need to grab as much as they can so they have proper meals for one more week. The unfortunate arguments and mobs that result are kept und...